

Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide(nmn) powder

  • Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2023 12:58:22

Regarding the #NMN powder, is it ban in food supplements in USA?
In a recent letter to a trade association, an FDA official reiterated NMN is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement and that its position has not changed, even after receiving additional materials from interested parties seeking to change FDA’s determination.

FDA has declined a request from the Natural Products Association (NPA) to open a docket on anti-aging ingredient β-NMN (beta-nicotinamide mononucleotide), concluding interested parties already have the chance to submit relevant information to the agency.

Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide(nmn) powder

Cara Welch, who oversees FDA’s Office of Dietary Supplement Programs (ODSP), described the opening of a public docket, which is frequently accompanied by a Federal Register notice, as a “discretionary act,” excluding when a statute or regulation requires such an act, and she said a Federal Register notice is not warranted.

“FDA has communicated its conclusion that NMN is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement by letter to all the notifiers who have a new dietary ingredient (NDI) notification on file pertaining to NMN,” Welch wrote in the Jan. 20 letter to NPA President and CEO Dan Fabricant. “In these letters, we have invited each notifier to provide any additional evidence they may have regarding the earliest marketing of NMN as a food or dietary supplement.”

Welch also reiterated NMN is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement and that its position has not changed even after receiving additional materials from interested parties seeking to change FDA’s determination.

GRAS evaluations concern safety, not marketing, and the date of a GRAS evaluation is not evidence of when an ingredient was first marketed as food.

FDA, on the other hand, has maintained it is simply applying applicable provisions of federal law, and once the agency made the connection between a drug under investigation called MIB-626 and NMN, it determined the ingredient was excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement.

So how will it goes ? let's see.

Beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide(nmn) powder

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